From My Desk

A Word On Entrepreneurship

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Hey guys, it’s Will here.

I wanted to take a moment to talk to you about entrepreneurship.

What’s you online business model? How do you make money online? How do you convince other people to give you their hard earned cash online? is it by…

  • Affiliate Marketing?
  • E-commerce store?
  • Amazon FBA?
  • Trading with Forex?
  • Bitcoin?
  • Dropshipping?
  • Freelancing?

Well, I’m here to tell you that I do them all, and they all work. All of them work. And I have a sad truth to tell you about all of them: “They won’t make you much money in the beginning.

You see, I was—and still am—a person who watches a lot of YouTube videos to learn how to make money online, and even invested in online courses to learn how to make money online. I have learned a lot from those YouTube videos and online courses, and they all teach strategies and skills that work, but there was something I wasn’t factoring in. The time it would take to make the figures that the uncommon result achievers would make.

Immediate Results Don’t Exist

You see, I was expecting immediate results, but when it comes to online sales, immediate results don’t exist. Any seasoned online marketer knows that the conversion rate for online products is about 1%-3% being on the higher end. More realistically, it’s usually 1% in the beginning. Until you learn the rules of persuasion, as taught by the book Influence by Robert Cialdini, you won’t have many buyers so immediately or at all.

In order to become good at something, or anything, you have to continue to try. I mean really continue on. You must be one to embrace failing forward. “Trust the process”, they say. I didn’t have anything figured out in the beginning. I wasn’t someone who just knew. Anyone successful online you may look up to spent a long time before they were successful trying to be successful. It could’ve taken them years and years. For me, I started affiliate marketing on and off for 7 years—realistically 12 years—and didn’t start getting serious until 3 year ago.

I finally started my own affiliate website, ecomerce website, ebay dropshipping, and more. I’m now running a website agency. I didn’t do well at all in any of them. Why? Because there is a lot about online marketing I still need to learn. I have been gradually learning more about online marketing and principles of influence and what makes a successful website or online business. I have to say, after 3 strong years, I’m getting pretty close. I have successfully learned the principles of influence online. I’ll be sharing them with you here soon.

What One Must Understand

One must understand that online business takes perseverance, time, patience, and a sheer amount of commitment. The path you have chosen with entrepreneurship is one that may never end. It will come with a lot of disappointments, but will have very high rewards for the taken risks if done properly. The reward is not the financial prizes you receive at the far end of your journey but the journey itself. The process of becoming the best version of yourself and achieving financial gain from it is one of the most remarkable journeys you’ll ever embark on.

For you, I have written an eBook that explains the 17 steps I use to succeed with online business. I have started Shopify stores, affiliate blogs, Etsy stores, and a website agency and I found success in all of them. There is much more to come as soon as I get further along in my online business career that I can’t wait to try this out on and so far, it’s working.

It’s the exact same steps I used to get to my first $1000 day online, and what you can use right now and copy to get either a head start or to grow your business much further than it is now. I even provide resources that you can use right now that will get you everything you need so that you know exactly what you need to do to grow your online business, no matter what market you’re in.

Click the button below and get your copy of my eBook today. All ask for an exchange or e-mail address.


Online marketing is essentially the same everywhere you go. Not much changes as far as how you can market online

Do you offer a product or service in a marketplace, compettive or not, and it seems like you customers always

Your products and services are in higher demand than you realize. Anyone who has taken the time to start a

So you want to build the website huh? Well by now I’m sure you’ve heard of all these buzzwords related

50% done

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The 17 Steps To Build A Successful Online Business

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